Health & Fitness

Spinning Class - Fitness Zone

Jessica Helou
Posted On 03 OCT 2018
Spinning Class - Fitness Zone
We all know that cycling activities in Lebanon are very narrowed in terms of safe roads for cycles.But what if I tell you that riding an indoor bicycle at a spinning class is much more fun than the one on the road?This Saturday, we practiced the sp [...]

Poundfit Class with Rita Mitri - Fitness Zone

Jessica Helou
Posted On 03 SEP 2018
Poundfit Class with Rita Mitri - Fitness Zone
I had to admit that I was hooked from the first time I attended the Pound class. I’m a huge fan of music and I always wanted to learn how to play drums.I guess this is one of the reasons why I belonged to the Pound class. The POUND workout f [...]

How Detox Parlour Program Affected Our Body and Mind

Jessica Helou
Posted On 22 AUG 2018
How Detox Parlour Program Affected Our Body and Mind
The rise in the amount of individuals living with poor health is surprising, especially since the issue can be traced back directly to the bad and flat-out dangerous foods that are readily available and constantly eaten. Our lives become too busy, [...]

Let's Dance Latino at Fitness Zone

Jessica Helou
Posted On 25 JUL 2018
Let's Dance Latino at Fitness Zone
Did you ever thought of learning a sort of dance type and started questioning yourself: how am I going to have the time to do it? I know that I don’t have the time, better not to think about it. But wait a minute, if it’s not today, the [...]

Body Pump Drives Amazing Body results

Jessica Helou
Posted On 07 JUL 2018
Body Pump Drives Amazing Body results
I didn’t get to this class by accident, since I’m a person who hates weight machines like you do and I can’t step into the gym not knowing which moves to make today to get the full body workout I should get. So, I thought of atte [...]

I Found My Zone of Fitness

Jessica Helou
Posted On 30 MAY 2018
I Found My Zone of Fitness
Throughout the years, we try to stay fit as long as we can in order to maintain a healthy life. A good lifestyle is when you do everything in moderation without missing the fun of it. Sometimes we work so hard for a short time period and find our [...]
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