Michel Issa in Lebanon

Jessica Helou
Posted On 26 AUG 2015

Michel Issa in Lebanon

I was more than glad to attend the lecture of Michel Issa on August 26th at the UK Lebanon Tech Hub.In this lecture, Michel talked about his companies and how he started doing charities to help and lift people around the globe. His key message was this: Be kind, give back and help out.It will make no sense to become an entrepreneur with billions and trillions of dollars if you dont help the people around you, especially the people in need. Michel Issa is not only a multi-entrepreneur but a person who seeks to promote the welfare of others and share his success to lift support people wherever he goes.To become an entrepreneur is a tough road, facing obstacles and struggles but we all have dreams to achieve and we should believe in ourselves in order to become one.I would encourage every person to take a step and help the people in need because this is what keeps us human beings.


Jessica Helou

Hello! I’m the founder of Oui Society, a blogger who loves to explore travel spots, try new restaurants and inspire in the fashion trends and styles.

Follow me into my journey to spread happiness… xoxo

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