11 Tips You Should Know Before Travelling

Jessica Helou
Posted On 28 FEB 2019

11 Tips You Should Know Before Travelling

Travel is full of traps. One wrong step and your vacation could be ruined by an overpriced restaurant, a wasted afternoon at a tourist-trap attraction or an overnight flight crowded in the middle seat. So, guarantee a smooth trip by planning thoroughly.

I’ve decided to share a collection of my best and most useful travel tips to help inspire you to make travel easy and a priority in your life. Here we go!

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1- Whether you travel with a backpack or a suitcase, you can make luggage identification an easy process to speed up the wait at baggage claim and make sure no one mistakenly picks up your bag.

2- Try to reserve tickets to popular places ahead of time online to avoid long lines.

3- Always purchase a travel insurance before your departure to any other country. A medical emergency can wipe out your savings — or even worse.

4- Before travelling to the desired country, make sure to surf on the internet to find free attractions during the holidays.

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5- Having a restaurant reservation before travelling to the desired destination will help you make the most out of your dining experience and you won’t have to waste time choosing where to go or waiting in line once you get there.

6- Book your extra baggage online if it looks like you’ll need it. Excess baggage charges at the airport turn festive cheer into festive gloom.

7- When heading to visit a destination, check first the map and search for things to see along your way in order not to miss anything when your trip is short.

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8- If you’re not sure about packing something for your travel trip, then you don’t need it.

9- Have a souvenir list prepared, and stick to it. This will save you money and prevent you from purchasing something that “you’ll find someone to give to another time”.

10- Please don’t try to fill up 6 countries into 6 weeks of travel. All the good stuff happens when you really take the time to explore. You’ll learn about activities that aren’t in your guidebook and meet people who are eager to show you around.

11- Snap a picture of your suitcase & the items in it every time you’re traveling, so that you have a proof to present to the travel insurance in case of any loss or damage.


Jessica Helou

Hello! I’m the founder of Oui Society, a blogger who loves to explore travel spots, try new restaurants and inspire in the fashion trends and styles.

Follow me into my journey to spread happiness… xoxo

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